This review is coming from the San Francisco Bath Salt Company. They sent me their 5oz package which retails for $4.99. If you haven’t tried our Muscle Soak bath salts yet, now is the perfect time!
This season, we want you to remember to take those time-outs to relax and give
yourself the much needed attention that your body deserves.
The Muscle Soak blend is the perfect treat for your tired and achy muscles. Made with pure Epsom Salt and eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils the Muscle Soak salts are sure to relieve even the most overworked muscles.
Muscle Soak is infused with Eucalyptus & Peppermint for optimal results, Mucsle Soak bath salt contains pure Epsom Salt magnesium-sulfate, two vital elements in the body. Excess adrenaline and stress are believed to drain Magnesium which is essential for easing muscle aches & pains, flushing toxins & improving nerve function by regulating electrolytes. Magnesium is also neccessary for the body to produce adequate amounts of serotoni, a mood elevating chemical that creates a feeling of well being & relaxation. Sulfates play a rolin the formation of brain tissue & joint proteins and are readily absorbed theough the skin.
The Muscle Soak blend is the perfect treat for your tired and achy muscles. Made with pure Epsom Salt and eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils the Muscle Soak salts are sure to relieve even the most overworked muscles.
Muscle Soak is infused with Eucalyptus & Peppermint for optimal results, Mucsle Soak bath salt contains pure Epsom Salt magnesium-sulfate, two vital elements in the body. Excess adrenaline and stress are believed to drain Magnesium which is essential for easing muscle aches & pains, flushing toxins & improving nerve function by regulating electrolytes. Magnesium is also neccessary for the body to produce adequate amounts of serotoni, a mood elevating chemical that creates a feeling of well being & relaxation. Sulfates play a rolin the formation of brain tissue & joint proteins and are readily absorbed theough the skin.

I used this product in my bath and at first in my hand it was very strong but once I added it to my bath I didnt smell the minty smell anymore. They also cally other products such as herb salts, colored salts and bath salts. This is the ideal bath salt for athletes, people with physical jobs, and anyone who needs to revive tired & aching muscles.
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