Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bundle Up: Saving Energy During the Winter

What are you doing to save energy during the winter time? If you’re cranking up the heat and seem to be spending a lot of money it’s because you’re not using the earth’s energy to your advantage. In addition to the earth’s energy there are other tips you could be taking advantage of as well. Use energy preserving tips on a daily basis and save energy and money. There are many actions you can take that are very inexpensive that will result in you saving money throughout the winter and beyond.

Use the Earth’s Thermal Energy

Use the earth’s energy to your advantage. How? No matter how cold the temps are outside, there are things you can do inside that will help you save money. If you have south-facing windows open curtains during the day. If it’s sunny outside the sunshine will naturally heat your home and help you stay warm. When it’s not sunny outside try using a heavy-duty plastic sheet on the inside of your window frames. Seal the plastic tightly to the frame and this will help reduce cold air from getting in. What’s more, investing in insulating shades or drapes on windows too can help get rid of drafts when it’s cold outside.

Try a Geothermal System

A geothermal system is an excellent way to cut back on costs during the winter. This system is made from excellent technology that uses the earth’s thermal energy to pre-condition refrigerant used to heat and cool your home. This makes it so you can look forward to having an energy efficient home during the winter. What’s more, since the federal government supports energy-efficient heating and cooling system alternatives you can receive a 30% tax credit when purchasing a geothermal system.

Change the Temperature

Changing the temperature sounds simple enough, right? Sometimes it can be difficult, especially if you like to be comfortable in your home. However when you are home and can layer with clothing instead of turning up your thermostat, bundle up instead! Set your thermostat as low as possible, as long as you aren’t extremely cold. When you’re sleeping you can also put on more blankets and set your temperature in the 60s as opposed to the 70s. In addition when you leave the house for work or other activities try turning your thermostat back 10° to 15° for eight hours or more and save at least 10% a year on your heating and cooling bills. Be smart and you’ll be happy with the rewards and the satisfaction that you’re also helping the earth!

Preserve Your Heating Systems

If you haven’t scheduled servicing for your heating system in a while it’s a good idea to do it sooner rather than later. If you’re not sure what type of maintenance you need call the manufacturer, a heater service center, or do some research online. If you have a wood burning heater it’s also important to clean the inside of the appliance and vents regularly. In addition if you own a furnace replace your filter as needed or once a month if you are using it quite often.  Keep your heating systems around by keeping them clean and you’ll preserve energy and won’t have to replace them very often.

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