If you are like me and get cramps at least once a month you need one of Warm Tradition hot water bottles. Let me give you a list of the benefits and uses.
- ACHES & PAINS, Sore Backs, Stomach aches, Muscular Tension, Helps alleviate stress, relief for Menstrual pain and chills from cold and flu.
- BED WARMER - A cozy warm hot water Bottle placed in your bed makes for a comfy night especially during cold winter storms.
- CHILL CHASER - When you feel the chills our Hot Water Bottle will keep you warm naturally!
- SPORTS ACHES AND PAINS - Hockey, Soccer, Football - Any sport injury or sprain is relieved with hot or cold Fashy therapy!
- MENSTRUAL CRAMPS - A hot water bottle on the abdomen brings pain relief and soothing comfort.
- CAMPING - Place a hot water bottle in your sleeping bag and make a chilly camp out a warm event.
- FLU - CHILLS / ACHES - A warm soothing companion to help you through a nasty bout with the flu.
- SECURE FEELING - Warmth provides a feeling of security - in bed on your own try a hot water bottle as a snugglin', cuddlin' "Bed Buddy"
- WARM YOUR FEET- Got cold feet? - Customers report that our Hot Water bottles keep feet warm and toasty for a long time.
- ARTHRITIC PAIN - Natural moist heat therapy for arthritic pain relief especially pain for arthritic hands.
- OUTDOOR EVENTS - Professional or local football and soccer games played outside - Cold in ice arenas watching the local teams play. Bring a hot water bottle and keep really warm! Put it under your coat and feel the warmth build up. Take it anywhere- Enjoy the game!
- SOOTHES CHILDREN - Children ill or upset a warm cuddly character companion provide a calm secure feeling - Works for grown ups too!
- TRAVELLING COMPANION - Take a hot water bottle with you on trips - in planes on buses - great for hot to cold climate changes - A wonderful travelling companion. No electricity needed. Travel to foreign countries your Hot Water Bottle companion
- FISHING & HUNTING - Bring our Hot Water Bottle with you. Keep toasty on the water or in a snowy cold field. Put it under your coat. Fashy Hot water bottles hold heat for 6 -8 hours. Make hunting a warm experience - fishermen use them all the time.
- ANIMALS - PUPPIES - Placed under a blanket a warm hot water bottle soothes new puppies in new surroundings - Provides warmth and security and calms them down. Reports that arthritic conditions in many dogs are improved with warm natural heat.
- COOL OFF! - Freeze or add cold water and ice to our Hot Water Bottles and cool off in hot weather especially if your outside ...in a crowd in 100 degrees!
- EMERGENCY KIT - Earthquake or any disaster kit can use a Hot Water Bottle. Keep warm when there is no heat or have to stay out all night.
- TV COMPANION - A warm cuddly hot water bottle during a cold snowy / rainy night. Add a great movie and you'll have a warm, comfy evening.
- BOOK BUDDY - Curl up with a good book - "Murder Mystery" spin chiller & a hot water bottle. It's a great feeling.
- SKIING/SNOWMOBILING/SKATING - many of our customers report taking our hot water bottles with them during winter sporting events. You can take them anywhere…they don't need an extension cord! Put our bottles under your coat and heat right up.
- RV'S AND CAMPERS -Chilly nights in RV's and campers are a thing of the past with a warm hot water bottle. Great for kids beds late at night or early in the morning.
- BALLET - Ballet Dancers report using our hot water bottles for strain and pain relief after strenuous ballet classes.
- HOME DÉCOR - Our plush characters and picture bottles make great bedroom, bathroom and bed additions. Use our plush characters as a pajama bag!
- PURSE - Our plush characters can double up as a cute carrying pouch for you makeup and other necessities. Teenagers love them.
- GIFTS - For - Grandma and Grandpa - seniors enjoy and appreciate Hot Water Bottles. Many of our customers have sent Hot Water bottles as a gift for their parents and grand parents. Not only fun and unique but a gift that is useful and keeps giving. Grandparents give them to children, girlfriends to girlfriends and on and on. We will ship to anyone for you. Add a message!
- BIRD'S FRIEND Customers report putting our bottles in pens for newly hatched ducks, chicks, and outdoor budgies. They gravitate to the warmth. Near birdfeeders and very cold days.
- CAR WARMER - On a very cold day just place our Hot Water Bottle on your dash about a half hour before you leave and watch the window clear up. The heat will radiate throughout you vehicle.
- WOODWORKING - Woodworkers report using a hot water bottle to set a freshly glued wood joint. As the bottle cools the glue forms a more solid bond with the wood. The weight of the bottle holds the joint firm.
- EAR ACHES - Customers report that the heat from the bottle soothes earache pain. Toothache relief has been reported also.
- SLEEP TIGHT - To help you sleep after a high stress day, lie down with a hot water bottle on your stomach, close your eyes and breath deeply, so the bottle rises and falls. We carry a lot of tension there and the weighted heat releases it. Try it!
Not only is it pretty and fuzzy this works great!! I had the flu last week and my husband filled it up for me with almost boiling water from the kettle and I couldn't believe how hot it got and it stayed that way for so long. It felt so good on my achy tummy and I also used it on my stiff neck. Here is the other side and where you fill it.
Here is what their site says... Sink deep in extravagant luxury with the soft and elegant Faux Leopard Fur Covered Hot Water Bottle. These soft, cozy and gorgeous hot water bottles are fabulous to use for aches and pains, muscular tension, stress or cramps. Can't sleep on a cold night? A cozy hot water bottle will work its magic. Cold Feet? Hot water bottles keep your footsies warm and comfortable. Hot water bottles are easy to travel with, especially on a long flight or bus ride. Included is a Fashy thermoplastic classic hot water bottle that retains heat for hours. Made in Germany.
I would recommend that everyone have one of these at their house. I just love it.
I received this item for review purpose. My opinions are honest and I was not paid for this review.
Wow. This seems to be a great product! I've been looking for something like this. When I was little, whenever I have stomach aches, my grandma would put hot water into a little glass jar and she covers it with a cloth and puts it on my tummy. That always works magic to me! I was always instantly relieved... and now this thing! it looks nice and comfy. I'd love to get one for myself!