Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Jewelry Candles Giveaway

Jewelry Candles and Wonderful Things In Life are sponsoring this giveaway. We would like to thank all the bloggers who are also helping us to promote this giveaway. This giveaway will end this coming October 20 so you still have plenty of time to join. The giveaway is open worldwide so wherever you are then you can join. Good luck and fill up the rafflecopter below. Thank you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i love suprises as long as there good suprises,lol
    ty for the giveaway.

  2. I love surprises!
    meltheplux at gmail dot com

  3. Yes, I LOVE SURPRISES as long as they are good! The best surprises come from UPS and Post Office!! Thank You ~Peace~
