Welcome to the Hidden Treasure Giveaway!
This wonderful giveaway is hosted by Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog, Diva Fabulosa and Pink Ninja Media. Special Thanks to our fabulous co-hosts What’s Up?! Contest, Freebies and Everything Nice, Coupons and Freebies Mom, Money Saving Lisa, The Frugal Free Gal, Pink Ninja Blogger, and Moms Vacation Spots
What a great giveaway!!
About our Sponsor - Hidden Treasure Soy Candles:
Hidden Treasure Candles are reasonably priced and offer a variety of candles. Every candle that you order will have a beautiful gold-plated or silver necklace buried beneath the soy wax.
Either way you're a winner when you choose Hidden Treasure Candles.
About the giveaway:
5 Winners will receive 2 Hidden Treasure Soy Candles.
- Winner chooses candles (cannot be layered candles).
- Event will end on Oct. 5, 2012.
- Must be 18 years of age, and is open to US residents Only.
- Use the Rafflecopter form to enter!
Good Luck!
Disclaimer: This blog received no money for promoting this event, nor are we responsible for shipping the prize to the winner! Hidden Treasure Candles is responsible for shipping candles to the winners.
very cute giveaway