The first scent that takes me back is the smell of pine. Any kind of pine brings me back to when I was child and we would all go together to pick out our Christmas tree. Some times we would even cut our own tree. I would love to be in that large farm of nothing but rows and rows of trees. When we would bring it home and put it into the tree stand and water it everyday. The tree sat in the cornor of our living room and after a few days you can hear the crackling of the pine cones opening. Now with the help of candles and home products I can smell this scent all the time.
The next scent from nature that takes me back is a field of flowers. I remember when I was little and there was a little old lady who's backyard was full of flowers. She had all different kinds of smells and colors. Her backyard was like an adventure and she would let us pick any flowers that we wanted and I always has a large bunch. I would always pick mine for my mom and she loved them. We would put water into a vase together and clip off the ends and smell each one as we added them to the vase. Now any time I smell a perfume or candle and it has many different flower smells into one I remember picking flowers in that great garden.
Lastly another scent from nature is the smell of the ocean. I have only smelled the ocean a handful of times but whenever I smell something that reminds of me of the it gives me a feeling of happiness with my family on vacations. It brings me back a feeling of warmth from the sun and playfulness having a good time with my son in the water.
If you want to find some great scents Seventh Generation has created a line of dish liquids featuring natural scents from real lemons, clementines and lavender. Seventh Generation’s Natural Dish Liquid scents come from fields not factories, and honor the careful hands that cultivated them.

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Thanks for reading my blog post and reliving some of my favorite smells from nature.
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Seventh Generation blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”
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